Promotional Materials
Vancouver Island Crisis Line and Crisis Chat/Text Materials
Shopping Criteria for Non-Profit and For-Profit Agencies
As a non-profit entity, you are provided with promotional materials at no charge. Materials can be distributed and/or displayed by your agency or group, school or school district, administrative office, clinic, counselling office, outreach services, or community centre.
Please complete the order form below to place your order. Thank you.
Please note: These promotional materials are graciously funded by Island Health and distributed to community partners in an effort to support Vancouver Islanders. Unfortunately, there are limited amounts and for-profit agencies will be asked for a small fee when ordering cards or rack cards. Please access the VICS Shop to place your order via PayPal.
Posters are available free of charge to everyone.
1. VICL Line Cards – two-sided
2. VICL Rack Cards – two-sided
3. VICL Poster
4. Crisis Chat / Crisis Text Cards
5. Crisis Chat Poster
6. Crisis Text Poster (Option 1)
7. Crisis Text Poster (Option 2)
8. Youth Card
9. Youth Poster
10. Vancouver Island Crisis Society Magnet Card
11. Online Community Resource
Database Card
Promotional Items Order Form