CIST Registration Part 1: Your Information Crisis Intervention Skills Training Tools for Helping People in Crisis $290.00 per person; $220.00 per student (with proof of Student ID) Enter Workshop Dates: Your Name (as it is to appear on your CIST certificate of completion) Title Organization Mailing Address (for print CIST certificate) City, Province, Postal Code Phone Email Address Post-Secondary School Student ID No. To qualify for student pricing, students must submit a scanned copy of their student ID card or other administrative document, which show current dates of study, attached to an email sent to Learning Environment 1. Our Training Centre in Nanaimo2. Zoom digital conferencing platform CIST Registration Part 2: Payment Method As per our registration policies, payment must accompany this personal information form. 1. eTransfer payment via (receipt provided by registrant's banking institution)2. Credit Card by calling VICS (office is open Monday to Thursday, from 9 to 12 and 1 to 4)3. PayPal Shopping Cart4. Cheque via post (not available within 14 business days of first date of workshop presentation) Would you like to subscribe to receive our email announcements? YesNoAlready Subscribed Additional Comments: I have read and understood the Course Registration Policies. Yes I understand that payment is REQUIRED to be registered. Yes Introduction Description Pricing and On-Site Opportunities CIST Registration Form Course Registration Policies VICS PayPal Shop